Celebrating our First “Grand in Your Hand” Contest Winner: Congratulations, Ryan Merritt! 

**Don’t worry if your submission wasn’t selected. You’re STILL eligible to win in a future week. **

Ryan was entered into our contest by Bryan Myers, our Director of Business Development.

In the past few months, Ryan has taken on the responsibility of managing our new Menards account. When we were searching for a leader, Bill Laing confidently recommended Ryan, and his choice has proven to be absolutely spot on. Ryan has consistently gone above and beyond in his role, showing exceptional dedication to this account.

Since March, we have witnessed remarkable growth under Ryan’s leadership. What started with just one distribution center (DC) has now expanded to eight DCs, with hundreds of loads being handled every month. Ryan takes charge of our bi-weekly calls with the Menards DC Transportation leaders, effectively coordinating the movement of loads and ensuring our trailers are always updated, even as we secure new lanes.

What sets Ryan apart is his unwavering commitment to meeting the needs of our Menards partners. He is available around the clock, responding promptly and effectively to their requirements. His exceptional communication skills have played a crucial role in our success.

The potential for this account is immense, with the opportunity to become a multimillion-dollar venture within the next year. Thanks to Ryan’s outstanding efforts, we are well on our way to realizing this goal. His leadership, dedication, and effective management have positioned us for incredible growth and success in the coming months.

We are truly grateful for Ryan’s exceptional contributions to our team and the Menards account. His passion, hard work, and ability to drive results make him an invaluable asset. We look forward to witnessing even greater achievements as we continue to work together towards our shared goals.

Congratulations, Ryan, on your outstanding performance and the remarkable progress we have achieved under your guidance!